- Knives
- Swords
- Ammo Cans
- Trunks/Footlockers
- Camo Pants, Shirts, Hats and Coats in many colors
- Leather Boots
- Tactical Boots
- Desert Boots
- MOLLE Gear/Packs/Pouches/Vests
- Backpacks from $14.99 and Up
- Military Collectibles
- Duffle Bags
- Machetes
- Sleeping Bags/Pads
- Ammo
- Wool Shirts, Pants, Socks, Gloves, Hats, Coats and Blankets
- MRE's
- Gun Cases
- Tactical Gear
- Boonie Hats
- Dogtags
- Stun Guns
- Pepper Spray
- Camping Gear
- First Aid Gear
- Military Insignia
- Belts
- Guillesuits and Camo Nets
- Parachute Cord
- Canteens
- Flags
- Hydro Packs
- Rain Gear
- Security Gear
- Gas Masks
- Military Shovels
- Holsters